Dawn Of The Scarlet Sun Pdf


An adventure for six 5th-level characters. The coastal city of Magnimar is no stranger to crime, yet recently, a series of murders has sent a chill through the early morning streets. Someone—or some thing—is stalking and killing worshipers of Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun.

The city guard is prepared to ambush the murderer, but they need help—help of the kind that adventurers are so good at providing. What is the sinister truth behind these violent acts? Dawn of the Scarlet Sun is a Pathfinder RPG adventure for six 5th-level characters—such as the six iconic heroes provided. In addition, this adventure can be integrated into the Shattered Star Pathfinder Adventure Path, and uses the villains featured in the. Written by James Jacobs. This special 16-page Pathfinder Module was initially made available for on June 16, 2012.

As written, Dawn of the Scarlet Sun is a straightforward urban adventure set in Magnimar, featuring a basic murder mystery premise that leads to a fairly. 32 rows Dawn of the scarlet sun download from DownloadFreeSharedFiles.com. Dawn of the Scarlet Sun by James Jacobs Pathfinder Player. Pathfinder ashes at dawn pdf download 25 point spend on ability scores, per the Pathfinder RPG.

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Note: Due to the special nature of this product, it is NOT part of the Pathfinder Modules Subscription. Dawn of the Scarlet Sun is sanctioned for use in.

The Chronicle Sheet for this module is a (123 KB zip/PDF). Pregenerated characters are available (1.9 MB zip/PDF). Product Availability PDF: Will be added to your immediately upon purchase of PDF. Print Edition: Unavailable Are there errors or omissions in this product information? Got corrections? PZO9500-6 See Also:. / / / (49).

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Surprised at the low reviews I have had a look through. It is a well written very short adventure. It is easily thrown into any game or fantasy campaign and while it is set in Magnimar, you could port it over to somewhere else quite easily. I am thinking of using it in the near future.

This though, isn't really for level 6s. If you have a very strong full party of six members, you can take the end boss, but level 7s would be better. It all depends how challenging you want it to be, and do you want to risk a TPK? I support a tough fight once in a while, but as its a short adventure the players may feel suddenly overwhelmed at the end (as their characters die). Still Magnimar has been a tough setting before.

Art wise I don't like Avalexi - the legs are terrible, but Kasadei looks great with a strong bearing. So it is a very challenging short adventure, and far better than 1 or 2 stars out of 5. Some don't like a hard challenge or to lose, but as it is free and dangerous, I recommend it. To put it simply, players will have to fight a BBEG that is way too powerful even for a full 6 player party of oddly made level 5 pregens. Starting out the adventure was alright with the investigations that players had to carry out and clues that would easily be picked up eventually. 1st few encounters also just about right in terms of difficulty but still posed a threat that should be taken seriously.

Unfortunately, the last encounter with the BBEG was exetremely HORRIFYING. With over 100hp, 25+ AC, high SR, high DR, (VERY) high DCs for spells casted and instant teleport for hit and run tactics all in a tight room area. And that's not counting the fact that the BBEG's skills are insanely high, how do players survive with 6 poorly made level 5 pregens is beyond me. Oh and BBEG can just easily chase after any players that try to escape if the GM wants to be mercliess. BBEG is just a mere CR8?

It's easily a CR10+ party killer encounter chucked in as a nasty final surprise. Really, I almost felt like I wasted my time fighting against something that is impossible to kill without VERY good luck or an optimised veteran party. I very strongly suggest avoid playing this module unless you're confident that your party of level 4-6 can handle the worst things for little reward. 1 to 5 of 29. ©2002-2017 Paizo Inc.® Need help?


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For more information about Paizo's Community Use Policy, please visit. For more information about Paizo Inc. And Paizo products, please visit An adventure for six 5th-level characters. The coastal city of Magnimar is no stranger to crime, yet recently, a series of murders has sent a chill through the early morning streets. Someone—or something—is stalking and killing worshipers of Sarenrae, the goddess of the sun.

Dawn Of The Scarlet Sun Pdf

The city guard is prepared to ambush the murderer, but they need help—help of the kind that adventurers are so good at providing. What is the sinister truth behind these violent acts? Dawn of the Scarlet Sun is a Pathfinder RPG adventure for six 5th-level characters—such as the six iconic heroes provided. In addition, this adventure can be integrated into the Shattered Star Pathfinder Adventure Path, and uses the villains featured in the Pathfinder Battles Champions of Evil Encounter Pack. Written by James Jacobs. (This adventure can be found for free at ).

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