Best Yii2 For Beginners Download

Best Yii2 For Beginners Download
  1. Yii 2.0
  2. Yii 2 For Beginners
Best Yii2 For Beginners DownloadYii 2.0

Welcome to Yii 2 For Beginners. Google or see Chapter 1 for links and download. I try to do things the way Yii 2 intends, some of the world’s best PHP. Yii2-guide: Based on the official Yii2 Guide. Download PDF. The Definitive Guide to Yii 2.0. Yii2-guide: Based on the official Yii2 Guide. Download PDF. The Definitive Guide to Yii 2.0.

When we first installed the Yii Framework, we found that we were able to create a basic project in one step. We downloaded the repository with composer, and a new skeleton application was created for us all in once shot. This basic application is fantastic for testing out some basic features of Yii.

Yii 2.0

With this basic setup, we get a navigation menu, an about page, a working contact form, as well as a functional login form. Yii also provides an advanced application structure during install. This advanced is for when you’re ready to build a full blown web site that features a front end, back end, in addition to a console application. It’s quite impressive, so let’s see how to set it up.

Yii 2 For Beginners

Create an advanced project with composer C:wampwwwyii composer create-project -prefer-dist yiisoft/yii2-app-advanced advanced When we took this first step with the basic application, that is all you had to do. Run a composer command and voila, your application was ready for use. The advanced template is just a bit more involved, but its pretty easy. In another tutorial, we’ll learn about the. Lets see what else we need to do. Change to the advanced folder and run the init command.

C:wampwwwyii cd advanced C:wampwwwyiiadvanced init Yii Application Initialization Tool v1.0 Which environment do you want the application to be initialized in? 0 Development 1 Production Your choice 0-1, or “q” to quit 0 Initialize the application under ‘Development’ environment? DocumentRoot “C:/wamp/www/yii/advanced/frontend/web” ServerName DocumentRoot “C:/wamp/www/yii/advanced/backend/web” ServerName After restarting all services, we’re up and running with for our front end, and for the back end. Conclusion In this episode, we went through all of the steps required to create the advanced template application structure with the Yii 2 Framework. We saw that it has built in support for both the public facing front end portion of the website, along with the administrator only backend version of the site. This provides a great way to bootstrap a new project.

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