The Blob 1958 Soundtrack


Running time 86 minutes Country United States Language English Budget $110,000 Box office $4 million The Blob is a 1958 American - in color by, produced by, directed by, and written by and Theodore Simonson. The film stars (in his debut) and and co-stars Earl Rowe and. The Blob was distributed by on a with. The storyline concerns a growing, corrosive, entity that crashes to Earth from outer space inside a. It devours and dissolves citizens in the small community of growing larger, and more aggressive each time it does so, eventually becoming larger than a building. Contents.

Blob, The Buy posters from buy posters from moviegoods buy this soundtrack from Search eBay for Blob. 28 'THE BLOB' (1958). The Blob (and other creepy sounds) is the complete soundtrack to the 1958 cult movie starring Steve McQueen. The CD features every cue as well as music not heard in the picture. The rest of the CD has almost 40 minutes of horror, suspense, and atmospheric cues from the Valentino Production Music Library. Cast and crew credits for The Blob, 1958, directed by Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr., with Steven McQueen, Aneta Corseaut, Earl Rowe, at Turner Classic Movies.

Plot In a small rural town in July 1957, teenager Steve Andrews (Steve McQueen) and his girlfriend, Jane Martin (Aneta Corsaut), are kissing at a when they see a meteorite crash beyond the next hill; Steve decides to look for it. An old man living nearby finds it first. When he pokes the meteorite with a stick, it breaks open, and a small jelly-like globule inside attaches itself to his hand. In pain and unable to scrape or shake it loose, the old man runs onto the road, where he is nearly struck by Steve's car; Steve and Jane take him to Doctor Hallen (Stephen Chase). Doctor Hallen anesthetizes the man and sends Steve and Jane back to locate the impact site and gather information.

Hallen decides he must amputate the man's arm since it is being consumed. Before he can, The Blob completely consumes the old man, then Hallen's nurse, and finally the doctor himself, all the while continuing to grow. Steve and Jane return in time for Steve to witness the doctor trying to get out the window with the blob on his head. They leave and go to the police station and return with Lieutenant Dave (Earl Rowe) and Sergeant Bert (John Benson). There is no sign, however, of The Blob or its victims, and Bert dismisses Steve's story as a teenage prank. Steve and Jane are taken home by their parents, but they later sneak out.

In the meantime, The Blob consumes a mechanic at a repair shop and grows in size every time it consumes something. At the, which is showing a midnight screening of, Steve recruits Tony and some of his friends to warn people about The Blob. When Steve notices that his father's grocery store is unlocked, he and Jane go inside.

The janitor is nowhere to be seen. Then the couple are cornered by The Blob; they seek refuge in the walk-in freezer. The Blob oozes in under the door, but quickly retreats. Steve and Jane gather their friends and set off the town's fire and alarms. The townspeople and police still refuse to believe Steve. Meanwhile, The Blob enters the Colonial Theater and engulfs and devours the projectionist before oozing into the auditorium, consuming a number of the audience. Steve is finally vindicated when screaming people leave the theater in a panic.

Jane, Danny, and Steve become trapped in the, along with the manager and a waitress. The Blob, now enormous and blood red from the people it has consumed, has engulfed the building. Dave has a connection made from his police radio to the diner's telephone, telling those in the diner to get into the cellar before they bring down a live power line onto The Blob. When the live wire lands, it discharges a massive electrical current into The Blob, but it is unaffected and the diner is set ablaze. When the diner manager uses a carbon dioxide extinguisher on the fire, Steve notices that this causes the Blob to recoil.

Steve remembers that it also retreated from the freezer, saying 'That's why it didn't come in the ice box after us. It can't stand cold'! Shouting in hopes of being picked up on the open phone line, Steve tells Dave about the Blob's vulnerability to cold.

Jane's father, Mr. Martin (Elbert Smith), leads Steve's friends to the high school to retrieve the 20 fire extinguishers there. Returning, the brigade of fire extinguisher-armed students and police first drive The Blob away from the diner, then freeze it, saving Steve, Jane, and the others. Dave requests authorities send an heavy-lift cargo aircraft to transport the Blob to the, where it is later parachuted to the ice and snow pack.


Dave says that while The Blob is not dead, at least it has been stopped. To this, Steve Andrews replies, 'Yeah, as long as the Arctic stays cold'. ('The End' morphs into a question mark.) Cast. as Steve Andrews (credited as Steven McQueen). as Jane Martin. Earl Rowe as Lieutenant Dave.

as Old Man. Stephen Chase as Dr. Hallen. John Benson as Sergeant Jim Bert. George Karas as Officer Ritchie. Lee Payton as Kate. Elbert Smith as Mr.

Martin. Hugh Graham as Mr. Andrews. Keith Almoney as Danny Martin Production The film was originally titled The Molten Meteor until producers overheard screenwriter refer to the film's monster as 'the blob'. Other sources give a different account, saying that the film went through a number of title changes (the monster was called 'the mass' in the shooting script) before the makers settled on The Glob.

After hearing that cartoonist had used The Glob as a title for his, they mistakenly believed that they could no longer use that title, so they changed it to The Blob. The Blob was directed by, who had directed more than 400 films for motivational, educational, and religious purposes.

Though the budget was set at $120,000 it ended up costing only $110,000. Filmed in and around, principal photography took place at Valley Forge Studios. Several scenes were filmed in the towns of, and, including the basement of a local restaurant named Chef's. For the diner scene, a photograph of the building was put on a gyroscopically operated table onto which cameras had been mounted. The table was shaken and the Blob rolled off.

When the film negative was printed in reverse, it appeared to be oozing over the building. The Blob was filmed in color by De Luxe and widescreen. 28-year-old Steve McQueen received $3,000 for his starring role.

He turned down an offer for a smaller up-front fee in return for a 10% percent share of profits, thinking that the film would never make money; he needed his signing fee immediately to pay for food and rent. However, The Blob ended up a hit, grossing $4 million at the box office. The film's tongue-in-cheek title song, Beware of The Blob, was written by and and became a nationwide hit in the U.S., peaking at number 33 on the chart on 9 November, 1958. The song was recorded by studio group (actually singer himself). Though legend has it that the opening novelty song was composed by a young and unknown Burt Bacharach, along with Bacharach's famous songwriting partner, David's brother composed the lyrics and by that time Bacharach had already achieved some measure of success when the film was released.

The background score for The Blob was composed. It was one of just a few film scores that Carmichael wrote. Carmichael is best known for his musical associations with and for arranging for. Carmichael also composed the original theme for the film, entitled 'Violence' on the soundtrack album, which started the film on a serious and frightening note. It was against the director's wishes to replace the original theme song with that by Bacharach/David.

However, because the latter encourages audiences to view The Blob as campy fun, it has contributed to the film's enduring popularity. Both Carmichael's score and Bacharach/David's song were released in 2008 by the Monstrous Movie Music soundtrack label. Original trailer for The Blob. According to Tim Dirks, the film was one of a wave of 'cheap teen movies' released for the. They consisted of 'exploitative, cheap fare created especially for young people in a newly-established teen/drive-in genre.' The Blob was released theatrically in 1958 on a double bill with I Married a Monster from Outer Space. Reception When The Blob first premiered as the of the double bill with I Married a Monster from Outer Space, it was quickly moved up to be the main feature.

While audiences liked it, critics were not as kind. The review in highlighted some of the problems and identified some positives, although Steve McQueen's debut was not one of them. Concentrating on director Irvin Yeaworth's work, 'Unfortunately, his picture talks itself to death, even with the blob nibbling away at everybody in sight. And most of his trick effects, under the direction of Irvin S.

Yeaworth Jr., look pretty phony'. The review continued with, 'On the credit side, the camera very snugly frames the small town background — a store, a church spire, several homes and a theatre. The color is quite good (the blob rolls around in at least a dozen horrible-looking flavors, including raspberry).

The acting is pretty terrible itself, there is not a single becomingly familiar face in the cast, headed by young Steven McQueen and Aneta Corseaut.' Had a similar reaction, seeing McQueen as the star, gamely 'giving the old college try' but that the '. Star performers, however, are the camerawork of Thomas Spalding and Barton Sloane’s special effects'. In a discussion with, stated that among all Hollywood aliens, which were usually disappointing from a scientific perspective, The Blob was his favorite. The website reported a 68% approval rating based on 31 reviews, with an average rating of 6.3/10.

The website's critical consensus reads, 'In spite of its chortle-worthy premise and dated special effects, The Blob remains a prime example of how satisfying cheesy B-movie monster thrills can be.' Home video The Blob has been released as part of the on three formats. First in 1988 on, then in 2000 on, and in 2013 on. The film, together with, was released on DVD in Australia by in September 2011. The DVD is compatible with all region codes and includes special features such as audio commentaries with Jack H.

Harris, Irvin Yeaworth, and Robert Fields. In November 2016, Umbrella released a 2-disc Blu-ray titled The Blob Collection, featuring the 1988 version of The Blob on disc one, and the 1958 version and Son of Blob on disc two.

Disc two plays the Criterion Collection's opening identification, although the release was distributed by Umbrella Entertainment with no mention of Criterion on the disc sleeve. Sequel A sequel, was made in 1972, directed. Home video releases used the tagline 'The Movie That J.R. Shot', in reference to his character's near-demise in the television series. Remakes In 1988, a was made, and directed.

In August 2009, it was revealed that musician-turned-director was working on another remake, but he later ceased working on this project. In January 2015, Zombie was replaced by as director of the remake. It was announced that the film would be produced by Richard Saperstein and Brian Witten, together with the producer of the original, Jack H. Harris, as executive producer. Legacy Since 2000, the town of, one of the filming locations, has held an annual 'Blobfest'. Activities include a re-enactment of the scene in which moviegoers run screaming from the town's Colonial Theatre, which has recently been restored.

Chef's Diner in Downingtown is also restored, and is open for business or photographs of the basement on weekday mornings only. The Blob itself was made from silicone, with increasing amounts of red vegetable dye added as it 'absorbed' people. In 1965, it was bought by film collector Wes Shank, who has written a book about the making of The Blob. According to Jeff Sharlet in his book The Family, The Blob was 'about the creeping horrors of communism' only defeated 'by freezing it — the Cold War writ small and literal'. Rudy Nelson, one of the scriptwriters for the film, has denied many of Sharlet's assertions, saying 'What on earth can Sharlet say about the movie that will fill 23 pages—especially when what he thinks he knows is all wrong'? Film historians Kim R. Holston and Tom Winchester noted that the film was 'Filmed in southeastern Pennsylvania at Valley Forge Studios, (and) this very famous piece of pop culture is a model of a decent movie on a small budget'.

The film is recognized by in these lists:. 2001: – Nominated. 2003::. “The Blob” – Nominated Villain See also. said to inspire movie premise (from 1950 incident in Pennsylvania). (Binary Large OBject), inspired by this film.

References Notes. Olin Howland appeared in his last film role. 'During the production, crew members were invited to write any title they could imagine for the film. 'The one that used to get all the laughs when people repeated it,' recalled Harris, 'was THE GLOB THAT GIRDLED THE GLOBE. We had another one: ABSORBINE SENIOR. I liked that. And, THE NIGHT OF THE CREEPING DREAD.

We were really serious about that one, because it was a ‘tuxedo’ title; THE GLOB THAT GIRDLED THE GLOBE was a ‘dumb’ title. I love one-word titles, having distributed many of them, so I said, ‘Let’s call it THE GLOB.’ Finally everybody agreed. We were applying for copyright, and somebody had done a little investigation and found there was a book called The Glob, by Walt Kelly, the cartoonist. I didn’t know any better then. Today, I know I could have called the picture THE GLOB, because you can’t copyright titles.' '. The setting is apparently Downingtown, Pennsylvania itself as the one policeman identifies his department's office as 'Downingtown HQ to East Cornwall HQ' over the two-way radio during his chess game, and the final scenes take place in a restaurant that is clearly labeled 'Downingtown Diner'.

Citations. ^ Weaver 2002, p. Hevesi, Dennis., April 27, 2008.

^ Biodrowski, Steve. Cinefantastique, January 1989. Retrieved: January 6, 2015. Retrieved 2017-04-06. Retrieved 2017-04-06. ^ Thompson, Lang. Turner Classic Movies.

Retrieved: January 6, 2015. American Movie Classics Company LLC., 2015. Retrieved: July 7, 2015.

^ Thompson, Harold., November 7, 1958. Variety, January 31, 1957. Neil deGrasse Tyson Videos (November 28, 2013). Retrieved July 11, 2015. Retrieved October 30, 2017. Umbrella Entertainment.

Retrieved: May 28, 2013. Fleming, Michael., August 27, 2009. BloodyDisgusting, October 5, 2009. BlabberMouth, April 26, 2011.

^ Squires, John. Dread Central, January 22, 2015. Retrieved: July 7, 2015. Tartaglione, Nancy.

Deadline Hollywood, January 22, 2015. Retrieved: July 7, 2015. Lidz, Franz. The New York Times, June 10, 2007. Retrieved: January 6, 2015. Retrieved: March 7, 2012.

Shank 2009, p. Sharlet 2008, p. Judd, Orrin.

BrothersJudd Blog, October 28, 2008. Retrieved: July 22, 2011.

Holston and Winchester 1997, p. Retrieved August 20, 2016. Retrieved August 20, 2016. Jeremy Armstrong (3 Feb 2012).

The Mirror UK. Retrieved 8 April 2016.

Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes

Starkey, James. Archived from on July 23, 2011. Retrieved 19 January 2006.

The Blob 1958 Aneta Corsaut Photos


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