Baby Shaker Ipa Iphone

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Baby Shaker Ipa Download Ipad. 7/12/2017 0 Comments. PlayerXtreme Media Player Platform: iPhone and iPad Price: Free ($4.99 for Pro features) Download Page.

Flatulence applications are one thing, but sometimes you really have to scratch your head and wonder how certain apps could possibly make it through Apple's approval process. The release (and subsequent removal) of an iPhone app called Baby Shaker this week has Apple in hot water with angry parents and children's groups, who are demanding answers from Apple. Developed by Sikalosoft, Baby Shaker features a crude drawing of a baby, and the object of the game is to stop the baby from crying by shaking the iPhone until red X's appear over the baby's eyes. The description of Baby Shaker read: 'On a plane, on the bus, in a theater. Babies are everywhere you don't want them to be! They're always distracting you from preparing for that big presentation at work with their incessant crying.

Before Baby Shaker there was nothing you could do about it.' Patrick Donohue, founder of the Sarah Jane Brain Foundation (dedicated to children suffering from Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury) was so upset with the app, he wrote a letter to Steve Jobs and other Apple executives. 'As the father of a three-year-old who was shaken by her baby nurse when she was only five days old, breaking three ribs, both collarbones and causing a severe brain injury, words cannot describe my reaction,' said Donohue.

'You have no idea the number of children your actions have put at risk by your careless, thoughtless and reckless behavior!' Macworld spoke with Jennipher Dickens, the communications director for the Sarah Jane Brain Project, about the app being removed from the App Store.

'I'm very relieved that it's been taken down,' said Dickens. 'I would still like clarification from Apple on how it got up there in the first place. It's horrifying that they were selling it.' Dickens is well aware of the dangers of Shaken Baby Syndrome. Her son Christopher was shaken by his biological father when he was only seven weeks old. Her son, now 2, has irreversible brain damage. We tried to contact Sikalosoft, but the company's Web site is currently offline.

Representatives from Apple confirmed that the app had been removed today. We've openly wondered at Macworld how some iPhone apps make it through the approval process at Apple while others have been rejected. In this case, common sense lost. I'm sorry, this isn't the most tastful app, but WTF? How is this putting children at risk? The world is becoming too PC. A more direct analogy would be a video game where the objective is to shoot unarmed kids.

Who are you, the analogy police? More like shooting really annoying, smelly, crying, unarmed F-k trophies.

Because that's how some people view babies - I myself have three kids, so that's not my view. But I believe in individual freedom and if someone wants to write such an app and someone thinks it's funny and wants to use it, so be it.

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I also believe that Apple has the right to refuse to distribute it. So it really isn't that big of a deal that it was pulled, I just don't understand all the anger toward the author. I think it's funny in the kind of funny you can't admit to.

I like kids had a few and can see the comedy it it. I really don't approve of it but could see it being funny on some people's phones.

I do not think it's appropriate and would not let my kid have it on their phone. Granted my kid would not have an iPhone anyway!

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I do not believe in kids having cell phones. They are just a way to get into trouble and promote bad behavior. Just like private time with a computer. No IM's no chatting. My kids have real personal face to face human contact. In a sick way, this shake the baby app, may actually help create awareness of the dangers of the shaken baby syndrome. It could help PREVENT this from happening.

Who remembers dead baby jokes? Gad we gotta lighten up. Booze ads cause more death than this stupid app will ever kill. Let's ban everything that is offensive and have a sanitized world of brainless sheep. I support the right to have an app that is offensive.

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What happened to FREEDOM! Grand Theft Auto and a pile of 'games' are a lot worse. Freedom is NOT FREAKING CHEEP!

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